Oculopalpebral surgery is a branch of ophthalmology that deals with problems of the eyelids and surrounding face. It is both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery on the structures surrounding the eye. It is used when the normal structure has been deformed by tumours (especially basal cell carcinoma), trauma, burns, deformities, general diseases or simply by the ageing process (rejuvenation procedure: blepharoplasty).
It is a high-precision operation that requires experience and a good diagnosis in order to subsequently choose the appropriate procedure.
At the Centre Ophtalmologique Place de Paris, only Dr Eulufi performs this type of procedure.
Link to: Blépharoplastie
Link to: Chirurgie de la ptôse palpébrale
Surgery of ptosis
Link to: Tumeurs palpébrales
Link to: Malpositions palpébrales
Eyelid malpositions
We take care of all eye diseases,
from initial diagnosis to regular follow-up.